Innovative Science & Technology

An innovative approach for Infectious Diseases

From clinical signatures of infection to new antivirals

Signia Therapeutics proposes an innovative and versatile platform for antiviral drug discovery based on a global targeting of the host cell instead of specific viral molecular determinants.

The research strategy is based on the direct exploitation of the characterization by Next-generation sequencing of relevant in vivo transcriptomic signatures of infections and of compounds, in an innovative bedside-to-bench and bench-to-bedside approach.

Signia Therapeutics innovative approach will offer intrinsic de-risking of drug discovery process:

1) Significant cost and time reduction to validate clinical trial drug candidates

2) Enable rapid transition to phase 2 clinical trials

3) Significant shortening of response times of widespread outbreaks

4) New value-added IP opportunities

5) Rapid return on investment for drug development to market of new antivirals


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